

Set off on a secret mission with our Vesper cocktail, a sip of sophistication inspired by James Bond's legendary 007 legacy. The epitome of timeless elegance in every glass.


The Herbalist Gin 3 ml
Eyes Ice Vodka 2 ml
Lillet blanc 2 ml
Ice cubes 10
Eucalyptus A twig


Delmonico glass, mixer glass, measuring cup, cocktail spoon and strainer.


  • Chill a Delmonico glass with crushed ice.
  • Fill the mixer glass with The Herbalist Gin, Eyes Ice Vodka and Lillet Blanc.
  • Add the ice cubes and stir for about ten seconds.
  • Remove the ice from the Delmonico glass and strain the cocktail into the chilled glass.
  • Finish with an eucalyptus leaf.

Mixology: Manuel Wauters (Sips Cocktailbar - The Godfather of Cocktail)

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